Taking my writing more seriously has been exciting and scary at the same time. I've woke up with panics over words like platform and book proposal. Yuck.
So here's something fun that has come of this writing adventure I'm on, I've got a website.
James gave me some input here and there, but for the most part, I designed it myself using SquareSpace. If you need to build a website, I would highly recommend it. I even found a coupon, because I'm a coupon loving home school mom.
Please check out my new website www.jenniferllane.com, and give me some feedback. I'd love to know if there is something I could add to make it better.
Also do me an even bigger favor and subscribe to my blog, and you will receive an email whenever I post something new.
Thank you, friends!
This song would be funny if it weren't so true. He nailed it. If you haven't noticed yet, I have an intense love for artsy, weird music.